
カティーサーク号(Cutty Sark) - その1


「グロリア・スコット号事件(The Gloria Scott))」は、シャーロック・ホームズシリーズの56ある短編小説のうち、17番目に発表された作品で、英国では、「ストランドマガジン(The Strand Magazine)」の1893年4月号に、また、米国でも、「ハーパーズ ウィークリー(Harper’s Weekly)」の1893年4月15日号に掲載された。そして、ホームズシリーズの第2短編集である「シャーロック・ホームズの回想(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes)」(1893年)に収録された。

「グロリア・スコット号事件」の後半、シャーロック・ホームズの大学時代の親友であるヴィクター・トレヴァー(Victor Trevor)の父親で、ノーフォーク州(Norfolk)のドニソープ(Donnithorpe)の地主であるトレヴァー治安判事(the Justice of the Peace Trevor)が、死後、息子であるヴィクターに対して、驚くべき過去の罪を告白する手紙を残していることが判った。


‘These are the very papers, Watson, which he handed to me, and I will read them to you, as I read them in the old study that night to him. They are endorsed outside, as you see, “Some particulars of the voyage of the bark Gloria Scott, from her leaving Falmouth on the 8th October, 1855, to her destruction in N. Lat. 15° 20’, W. Long. 25° 14’ on November 6th.’ It is in the form of a letter and runs in this way.


‘“My name, dear lad, is not Trevor. I was James Armitage in my younger days, and you can understand now the shock that it was to me a few weeks ago when your college friend addressed me in words which seemed to imply that he had surprised my secret. As Armitage it was that I entered a London banking-house, and as Armitage I was convicted of breaking my country’s laws, and was sentenced to transportation. Do not think very harshly of me, laddie. It was a debt of honour, so called, which I had to pay, and I used money which was not my own to do it, in the certainty that I could replace it before there could be any possibility of its being missed. But the most dreadful ill-luck pursed me. The money which I had reckoned upon never came to hand, and a premature examination of accounts exposed my deficit. The case might have been dealt leniently with, but the laws were more harshly administered thirty years ago than now, and on my twenty-third birthday I found myself chained as a felon with thirty-seven other convicts in the ’tween-decks of the bark Gloria Scott, bound for Australia.


‘“It was the year 1855, when the Crimean war was at its height, and the old convict ships had been largely used as transports in the Black Sea. The government was compelled, therefore, to use smaller and less suitable vessels for sending out their prisoners. The Gloria Scott had been in the Chinese tea-trade, but she was an old-fashioned, heavy-bowed, broad-beamed craft, and the new clippers had cut her out. She was a five-hundred-ton boat; and besides her thirty-eight gaolbirds, she carried twenty-six of a crew, eighteen soldiers, a captain, three mates, a doctor, a chaplain, and four warders. Nearly a hundred souls were in her, all told, when we set sail from Falmouth.



中国から英国まで紅茶を輸送する「ティークリッパー(tea clipper)」として活躍した船で、現存しているのは、19世紀後半に建造された「カティーサーク号(Cutty Sark)」と呼ばれる快走帆船で、現在、ロンドン近郊のグリニッジ(Greenwich)において保存展示されている。

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